2024 Festival Events

Ka'u Coffee Recipe Contest
Ka'u Coffee Mill
Saturday, June 1, 11am
Do you have a passion for cooking and coffee? Then join the free cooking competition at 11 a.m. at the Ka‘u Coffee Mill and show off your culinary skills using Ka’u coffee as an ingredient. You can enter in one of the three categories: pupu (appetizer), entree, or dessert, and compete for cash prizes in the adult or student division. All entries will be judged by a panel of experts and the winners will be announced at the end of the event. All attendees will enjoy free coffee, tastings and entertainment. Entry deadline is May 27th, 2024. Contact (808) 928-0550 for more information or to register.

Pa'ina & Open House
Pahala Plantation House
Saturday, June 1, 6-9:30pm
Potluck. Donations Accepted
This event kicks off the festival week. Experience the history and charm of the historic Pahala Plantation House, enjoy music, hula, food and house tours, co-hosted by Ka‘u Coffee Growers Cooperative, Pahala Plantation Cottages and The Ka‘u Calendar newspaper. Learn about the history of Ka’u and its people, and mingle with the local coffee growers and their families.

Tour Ka'u Coffee Farms
Ka'u Region
Wednesday, June 5, 10am-5pm
Take a self-guided tour of the Ka’u coffee farms and see how the world-class coffee is grown, harvested and processed. You will have the opportunity to meet the farmers and learn about their stories, challenges and successes. You will also be able to sample and purchase their coffee products, as well as other local delicacies. A list of participating coffee farms will be made available.
Along the way, you can also explore the scenic and historic beauty of Ka’u, such as the Punalu‘u Black Sand Beach, Honu‘apo fishpond, the cliffs of Ka Lae — the southernmost place in the U.S. — and the nearby Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Stay in one of the many accommodations in Ka‘u, ranging from hotels, cottages, cabins, campgrounds and more.

Ka'u Mountain Hike & Lunch
Ka'u Coffee Mill
Thursday, June 6, 9am-2pm
If you are feeling adventurous, join the Ka‘u Mountain Hike & Lunch in the Wood Valley rainforest, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. You will hike along the historic flume systems of the sugar cane era and learn about the development of hydroelectric power in Ka’u. You will also enjoy the stunning views of the mountains, waterfalls and native plants and animals.
The hike will be followed by a delicious lunch prepared with local ingredients. The hike is limited to 30 participants and costs $60 per person, which includes lunch. Reserve your spot at 808-928-0550.

Ka'u Coffee & Cattle Day
Aikane Plantation Coffee Farm
Friday, June 7, 10am-3pm
If you love coffee and beef, you will love the Coffee & Cattle Day at the scenic Aikane Plantation Coffee Company, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. You will find out how descendants of Ka‘u’s first coffee farmer integrate coffee with pasture-raised beef, and how they manage their land sustainably. You will also get to see the cattle and the coffee trees up close, and learn about the different varieties and processing methods of Ka’u coffee.
The event will end with a sprawling, all-you can eat outdoor buffet featuring Ka’u coffee and beef dishes, as well as other local specialties. The event costs $35 per person and requires a reservation at (808) 927-2252.

Ka'u Star Gazing
Ka'u Coffee Mill
Friday, June 7, 5:30-10pm
If you are fascinated by the stars, you will not want to miss the Stargazing Night at the hills around the Ka’u Coffee Mill, from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. You will have the chance to observe the heavens from one of the best locations on the island, with the help of professional astronomers and telescopes. You will also learn about the Hawaiian culture and mythology related to the stars, and how they influenced the navigation and calendar of the ancient Hawaiians.
The event costs $60 per person and includes a barbecue dinner. Parking is available at the Ka’u Coffee Mill premises and a shuttle will take you to the viewing site. Reservations are required at (808) 928-0550.

Ho'olaule'a — Main Event
Pahala Community Center
Saturday, June 8, 9am-5pm, Free!
The grand finale of the Ka’u Coffee Festival is the Ho‘olaule‘a, a full day of fun and celebration at the Pahala Community Center, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You will enjoy live music, hula, local food and crafts, keiki activities, educational displays, guided coffee tastings and farm and mill tours. It’s a great place to “talk story” with Ka‘u coffee growers and learn more about their passion and dedication.
The Ka‘u Coffee Experience offers Ka‘u coffees prepared using a variety of brewing methods by professional baristas from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. You will be able to taste the difference and discover your favorite Ka’u coffee.